Hawa Diawara, Malian Supermodel
Spritzing can help keep hair moisturised, nourished and healthy. It's easy to make your own natural misters out of oils, rose water and distilled water. (2)
I had my big chop in 2009. And even though I was natural I was still experiencing a lot of hair breakage. Later on, I found out it was due to dryness and constant blow-drying. My second attempt at going natural was in December 2011 and May 2012, to remove damaged ends, leaving me with about 1 inch of hair.
I’ve stopped applying direct heat to my hair, and apart from losing about 40 -100 strands daily (which is normal), my hair does not break.
My hair is type 4b, meaning I have fragile curls that get dry easily and need lots of moisture to thrive. I remember growing up and dreading the rain, especially after a great hair-do, but now it does not vex me.
Our recommendation at Shakara Natural Tips: always find out what your hair type is first! This will help you in understanding and definitely maintaining your hair. Curly girl the Handbook is a good resource for identifying your curl type.
Benefits of Spritzing Hair
In dry climates, hair can quickly become parched and tangly when left to its own devices. Many so-called moisturising products that are commercially produced are laden with silicones, which not only coat the hair but also create build up over time, preventing moisture getting in as well as out.
If the hair is not clarified regularly, these products tend to result in dry, brittle hair. (2)
Natural Ingredients for Homemade Hair Spritzers
Distilled water forms the base for most hair spritzers. Hard water can build up mineral deposits on the hair, discolouring it and causing brittleness. Distilled water is completely pure and results in soft, silky-feeling hair. (2)
My spritz spray bottle contains:
- 100ml Rose water (100% natural)
- 200ml Aloe vera juice
- 5 drops of pure (not synthetic) Jojoba oil, lavender oil, or sweet almond oil.
- 3-5 drops of Vegetable Glycerine.
Combine all ingredients and apply all over your hair or to individual strands.
This is a natural, healthy and affordable way to keep your hair in good condition. I spritz my hair at night before going to bed and in the morning a few hours before I step out. After spritzing, to lock in moisture I use Pure 100% Castor oil or Shea butter.
Find out what works for you…but have fun while experimenting!
Storing Homemade Hair Spritzers
Depending on the ingredients, most spritzers will keep for a few weeks at room temperature or in the fridge. It’s worthwhile to make up small quantities at first, in order to tweak ingredients if necessary. Distilled water by itself will keep indefinitely. (2)
- Start simple and always do an allergy test first.
- Rose water benefits include antibacterial, soothing, healing and antiseptic properties. It is very rich in flavonoids and vitamins, including A, C, D, E and B3. Rose water is very beneficial for hair, that is why it is frequently used as an ingredient for hair care products and shampoos. Rose water increases blood flow to scalp, this way nourishing and strengthening hair follicles and preventing hair loss. (1)
- Aloe Vera is a completely natural hydrating and conditioning substance that is therapeutic for your scalp. Be sure to get the edible type of Aloe Vera juice (the kind that has to be refrigerated after opening), which can be found in health food stores. (3)
- Spritzing helps in combing natural hair easily
So what's in YOUR spray bottle? Feel free to share!
- Carla. “Rose Water benefits and Medicinal Uses.” Guide to Herbal remedies. All herbal information for you. 11 August. 2010. Web. 25 January. 2012.
- Tenant, Sarah. “How to spritz and mist your hair with Natural ingredients.” Hair Care @ suite 101. 24 October, 2010. Web. 24 January. 2012.
- Massey, Lorraine and Bender, Michele. Curly girl the handbook. New York, 2010. Print.
(c) Shakara Natural Tips 2012
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